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Class 5 (English)
(NCERT Textbook : Marigold)
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NCERT Solutions
Chapter 1 – Ice-cream Man
Reading is Fun
Question 1 :In which season is ice cream popular? Answer : Ice-cream is popular in summer season. Question 2 :Who feels joyful on seeing the Ice-cream Man? Answer :Children feel joyful on seeing the ice-cream man. Question 3 :Name the different flavours of ice cream the Ice-cream Man has in his cart. Answer :The ice-cream man has vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavours of ice-cream in his cart. Question 4 :What are the two things that the Ice-cream Man is selling? Answer :The ice-cream man is selling ice-cream and chilled drinks from the bottles of frosty-fizz. Question 5 :What is the ice-cream cart compared to in the poem? Answer :The ice-cream has been compared to a flower bed in the poem.
Let’s Write
Question 6 :Having an ice cream on a hot summer day is exciting and enjoyable. Write about some of the exciting and enjoyable things that one can do in the winter season. Answer :Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own personal experiences and observations. 1) We can go for ice-skating in winter season. 2) We can do ice climbing. 3) We can play ice hockey. 4) We can engage in doglegging activities. 5) We can go for ski jumping. Question 2 : List as many summer activities as you can. Answer :(Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answers based on their own personal experiences and observations) 1) Play cards 2) Play scribble 3) River rafting 4) Ice Skating 5) Swimming Question 3: Now group these activities into indoor and outdoor activities. Answer : Indoor activities: Play scribble, play cards Outdoor activities: Swimming, Ice-skating, River rafting
Say Aloud
Question 1: Circle the words where you get a zzzzz sound. One is done for you.

Question 2 : Listen and tell the sounds that these words in the poem produce. • cart ___________________ • drinks ___________________ Can you make these sounds? Answer : (Disclaimer: All the students have to read the words loudly and make note of the sounds that the words make)
Question 2 : What are some of the different sounds you hear when the Ice-cream Man comes? Answer : Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on the student’s experience and observations. Following are the different sounds that I hear when the Ice-cream man comes: 1) Tring-tring 2) Ting-ting Question 1 : Here is a report on Uncle Lal’s farm. Father took me to visit Uncle Lal’s dairy farm. I saw all of Uncle Lal’s cows. He has fifty cows. They eat grass in the big green farms. In the evening the farmers bring them to the barn to be milked. Uncle Lal sells his milk in the city. When writing a report, remember to do these things • Think of a good title. Write it correctly. • Keep to your subject. • Tell things in the right order. • Make your paper look neat.

In groups of four, write a report on different brands of ice creams available in your area.
You may use the following clues.
Start with a short introduction which contains the topic.
Then list the ice cream brands available in your area.
Next, say which are the common flavours of ice cream in each of the brands.
Under each brand, find out which flavours are being sold the most. Also find out their prices.
Finally, write which do you think is the most popular ice cream.
Answer : Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own experiences and observations.
Ice-cream in the corner
Ice-cream is one of the favourite desserts of almost everyone. Ice-cream is available in a number of flavours. There are number of ice-cream brands available in my area. Some of them are Amul, Mother Dairy, Vadilal, Gelato Vinto. Chocolate Marshmallow and Strawberry are the common flavours of ice-cream in each of the brands. According to the survey taken, Amul’s ‘Kesar Pista’ flavoured ice-cream is sold the most in the market. It comes at Rs. 80. Mother Dairy’s ‘Chocolate Fudge’ ice-cream is sold the most in the market. Its price is Rs. 110. According to me, Vanilla ice-cream is the most popular of all of them. It is enjoyed almost by everyone. Question 1 : Colour the boxes that have rhyming words.

Answer :

Question 2 : What do the following words describe in the poem? joyful _________________________ _____________________ little __________________________ ____________________ round ______________________________________________ What are the describing words used in the poem for the following? ____________________ mounds ____________________ flavour ____________________ cluster Answer : joyful sight little cart round umbrella brown and white mounds vanilla, chocolate and strawberry flavour children and honeybees cluster Question 1 : Colour the boxes with the colours of the flavours mentioned in each.

Question 2 : Draw and colour your dream ice cream. Describe it using interesting describing words — the colours, the flavours, the size, how it looks, tastes, feels etc. Answer : (Disclaimer: This is a sample answer. Students are advised to write the answer based on their own preferences and observations)
My dream ice-cream would be very large with different colours. It will have many layers in it. Every layer will have its own individual flavour which will be altogether different to taste. It will be very soft to eat. Right on the top would be the chocolate flavour which is my favourite. And at the bottom of it, would be the vanilla flavour which I do not like much. I will share my dream ice-cream with all my friends and enjoy.
Question 3 : Have you ever eaten kulfi, the ice cream from North India? The following sentences describe how it is served but they are not in the correct order. Write the correct number before each sentence. ____ He scoops out the kulfi on a plate. ____ Then he pours some sweet syrup over it and serves it. ____ The kulfiwala takes the kulfi mould out of the pitcher. ____ He arranges some falooda around it. Answer : Disclaimer: Kindly refer the textbook for the images. 1 He scoops out the kulfi on a plate. 3 Then he pours some sweet syrup over it and serves it. 2 The kulfiwala takes the kulfi mould out of the pitcher. 4 He arranges some falooda around it